2023-01-20 300
这是我用 java 编写的代码的某个部分enrollmentID和seedIndex.
class JC_VerificationCandidate {
public JCDSM_VerificationCandidate( String enrollmentID, String seedIndex ) {
this.enrollmentID = enrollmentID;
this.seedIndex = seedIndex;
public String enrollmentID;
public String seedIndex;
public class DsmLibraryTest extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
JCDSM_VerificationCandidate verificationCandidate[] = {new JCDSM_VerificationCandidate( "tom", "anna" )};
dsm.JDSMVerify( 123456, "http:\\www.test_url.com", bytes, verificationCandidate );
public native int JDSMVerify(
int someValue1,
String someValue2,
byte[] someValue3,
JC_VerificationCandidate jVerificationCandList[] );
JCDSM_VerificationCandidate verificationCandidate[] = {new JCDSM_VerificationCandidate( "tom", "anna" )};
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_Dsm_Test_DSM_JDSMVerify( JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jint jhDevice, jstring jurlID,
jbyteArray jInputInfo, jobjectArray jVerificationCandList ) {
以下代码应允许您访问字段注册.使用 >阅读/操纵它们.
// Load the class
jclass jclass_JCV = env->FindClass(env, "my.package.JC_VerificationCandidate");
jfieldID fid_enrollmentID = env->GetFieldID(env, jclass_JCV, "enrollmentID" , "Ljava/lang/String;");
// Access the first element in the jVerificationCandList array
jobject jc_v = env->GetObjectArrayElement(env, jVerificationCandList, 0);
// get reference to the string
jstring jstr = (jstring) env->GetObjectField(env, jc_v, enrollmentID);
// Convert jstring to native string
const char *nativeString = env->GetStringUTFChars(env, jstr, 0);
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