教你如何用HTML5和JS实现切水果游戏 html5切水果游戏源码

 2022-10-22    459  

有的朋友可能对于“教你如何用HTML5和JS实现切水果游戏 html5切水果游戏源码”还有很多不明白的地方,下面由77ISP云服务器技术小编为大家讲解一下,下面我们来一起看看吧!



 * this file was compiled by jsbuild 0.9.6
 * @date Fri, 20 Jul 2012 16:21:18 UTC
 * @author dron
 * @site http://ucren.com

void function(global){
	var mapping = {}, cache = {};
	global.startModule = function(m){
	global.define = function(id, func){
		mapping[id] = func;
	global.require = function(id){
			id += '.js';
			return cache[id];
			return cache[id] = mapping[id]({});

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\collide.js
define("scripts/collide.js", function(exports){
	var fruit = require("scripts/factory/fruit");
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");

	var fruits = fruit.getFruitInView();

	 * 碰撞检测

	exports.check = function( knife ){
		var ret = [], index = 0;

		fruits.forEach(function( fruit ){
		    var ck = lineInEllipse(
		    	knife.slice( 0, 2 ), 
		    	knife.slice( 2, 4 ), 
		    	[ fruit.originX, fruit.originY ],
		    if( ck )
		        ret[ index ++ ] = fruit;
		return ret;

	function sqr(x){
		return x * x;

	function sign(n){
		return n  0 ? 1 : 0 );

	function equation12( a, b, c ){
		if(a == 0)return;

		var delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
		if(delta == 0)
			return [ -1 * b / (2 * a), -1 * b / (2 * a) ];
		else if(delta > 0)
			return [ (-1 * b + Math.sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a),  (-1 * b - Math.sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a) ];

	// 返回线段和椭圆的两个交点,如果不相交,返回 null
	function lineXEllipse( p1, p2, c, r, e ){
		// 线段:p1, p2    圆心:c    半径:r    离心率:e
		if (r = volleyNum )
	        return ;

	    var startX = random( 640 ), endX = random( 640 ), startY = 600;
	    var f = fruit.create( startX, startY ).shotOut( 0, endX );

	    fruits.push( f );


	// start game
	exports.start = function(){
	    snd = sound.create( "sound/throw" );
	    boomSnd = sound.create( "sound/boom" );
	        state( "game-state" ).set( "playing" );
	        gameInterval = timeline.setInterval( barbette, 1e3 );
	    }, 500);

	exports.gameOver = function(){
	    state( "game-state" ).set( "over" );


	    // timeline.setTimeout(function(){
	    //     // sence.switchSence( "home-menu" );
	    //     // TODO: require 出现互相引用时,造成死循环,这个问题需要跟进,这里暂时用 postMessage 代替
	    //     message.postMessage( "home-menu", "sence.switchSence" );
	    // }, 2000);

	    scoreNumber = 0;
	    volleyNum = 2;
	    fruits.length = 0;

	exports.applyScore = function( score ){
	    if( score > volleyNum * volleyMultipleNumber )
	        volleyNum ++,
	        volleyMultipleNumber += 50;

	exports.sliceAt = function( fruit, angle ){
	    var index;

	    if( state( "game-state" ).isnot( "playing" ) )

	    if( fruit.type != "boom" ){
	        fruit.broken( angle );
	        if( index = fruits.indexOf( fruit ) )
	            fruits.splice( index, 1 );
	        score.number( ++ scoreNumber );
	        this.applyScore( scoreNumber );
	        light.start( fruit );

	exports.pauseAllFruit = function(){
	    fruits.invoke( "pause" );

	// message.addEventListener("fruit.fallOff", function( fruit ){
	// 	var index;
	// 	if( ( index = fruits.indexOf( fruit ) ) > -1 )
	// 	    fruits.splice( index, 1 );
	// });

	message.addEventListener("fruit.remove", function( fruit ){
	    var index;
	    if( ( index = fruits.indexOf( fruit ) ) > -1 )
	        fruits.splice( index, 1 );

	var eventFruitFallOutOfViewer = function( fruit ){
	    if( fruit.type != "boom" )
	        lose.showLoseAt( fruit.originX );

	state( "game-state" ).hook( function( value ){
	    if( value == "playing" )
	        message.addEventListener( "fruit.fallOutOfViewer", eventFruitFallOutOfViewer );
	        message.removeEventListener( "fruit.fallOutOfViewer", eventFruitFallOutOfViewer );
	} );

	message.addEventListener("game.over", function(){

	message.addEventListener("overWhiteLight.show", function(){
	    for(var i = fruits.length - 1; i >= 0; i --)

	message.addEventListener("click", function(){
	    state( "click-enable" ).off();
	    message.postMessage( "home-menu", "sence.switchSence" );

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\layer.js
define("scripts/layer.js", function(exports){
	 * layer manager

	var Raphael = require("scripts/lib/raphael");
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");

	var layers = {};
	var zindexs = {
		"default": zi(),
		"light": zi(),
		"knife": zi(),
		"fruit": zi(),
		"juice": zi(),
		"flash": zi(),
		"mask": zi()

	exports.createImage = function( layer, src, x, y, w, h ){
		layer = this.getLayer( layer );
	    return layer.image( src, x, y, w, h );

	exports.createText = function( layer, text, x, y, fill, size ){
		layer = this.getLayer( layer );

		if( Ucren.isIe )
			y += 2;

		return layer.text(x, y, text).attr({
			fill: fill || "#fff",
			"font-size": size || "14px",
			"font-family": "黑体",
			"text-anchor": "start"

	exports.getLayer = function( name ){
		var p, layer;
		name = name || "default";

		if( p = layers[name] ){
		    return p;
			layer = Ucren.makeElement( "p", { "class": "layer", "style": "z-index: " + ( zindexs[name] || 0 ) + ";" } );
			Ucren.Element( "extra" ).add( layer );
			p = layers[name] = Raphael( layer, 640, 480 );
			// if( Ucren.isSafari )
			//     p.safari();
			return p;

	function zi(){
	    return zi.num = ++ zi.num || 2;

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\main.js
define("scripts/main.js", function(exports){
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline");
	var tools = require("scripts/tools");
	var sence = require("scripts/sence");
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var buzz = require("scripts/lib/buzz");
	var control = require("scripts/control");
	var csl = require("scripts/object/console");
	var message = require("scripts/message");
	var state = require("scripts/state");

	var game = require("scripts/game");

	var collide = require("scripts/collide");

	var setTimeout = timeline.setTimeout.bind( timeline );

	var log = function(){
	    var time = 1e3, add = 300, fn;
	    fn = function( text ){
	        setTimeout( function(){ csl.log( text ); }, time );
	        time += add;
	    fn.clear = function(){
	        setTimeout( csl.clear.bind( csl ), time );
	        time += add;
	    return fn;

	exports.start = function(){

	    [ timeline, sence, control ].invoke( "init" );

	    log( "正在加载鼠标控制脚本" );
	    log( "正在加载图像资源" );
		log( "正在加载游戏脚本" );
	    log( "正在加载剧情" );
	    log( "正在初始化" );
		log( "正在启动游戏..." );

	    setTimeout( sence.switchSence.saturate( sence, "home-menu" ), 3000 );

	message.addEventListener("slice", function( knife ){
	    var fruits = collide.check( knife ), angle;
	    if( fruits.length )
	        angle = tools.getAngleByRadian( tools.pointToRadian( knife.slice(0, 2), knife.slice(2, 4) ) ),
	        fruits.forEach(function( fruit ){
	           message.postMessage( fruit, angle, "slice.at" );

	message.addEventListener("slice.at", function( fruit, angle ){

	    if( state( "sence-state" ).isnot( "ready" ) )
	        return ;

	    if( state( "sence-name" ).is( "game-body" ) ){
	        game.sliceAt( fruit, angle );
	        return ;

	    if( state( "sence-name" ).is( "home-menu" ) ){
	        fruit.broken( angle );
	        if( fruit.isHomeMenu )
	            switch( 1 ){
	                case fruit.isDojoIcon:
	                    sence.switchSence( "dojo-body" ); break;
	                case fruit.isNewGameIcon:
	                    sence.switchSence( "game-body" ); break;
	                case fruit.isQuitIcon:
	                    sence.switchSence( "quit-body" ); break;
	        return ;

	var tip = "";

	if( !Ucren.isChrome )
	    tip = "$为了获得最佳流畅度,推荐您使用 Google Chrome 体验本游戏";

	if( !buzz.isSupported() )
	    tip = tip.replace( "$", "您的浏览器不支持 	determine if the value of key is the given value
	 * state( key ).isnot( value )	->	determine if the value of key is not given value
	 * state( key ).ison()			->	determine if the value of key is the boolean value 'true'
	 * state( key ).isoff()			->	determine if the value of key is the boolean value 'false'
	 * state( key ).isunset()		->	determine if the value of key is undefined
	 * state( key ).set( value )	->	set the value of key to a given value
	 * state( key ).get()			->	get the value of key
	 * state( key ).on()			->	set the value of key to boolean value 'true'
	 * state( key ).off()			->	set the value of key to boolean value 'false'

	var stack = {};
	var cache = {};
	var callbacks = {};

	exports = function( key ){

		if( cache[ key ] )
		    return cache[ key ];

		return cache[ key ] = {
			is: function( value ){
			    return stack[key] === value;

			isnot: function( value ){
			    return stack[key] !== value;

			ison: function(){
				return this.is( true );

			isoff: function(){
				return this.isnot( true );

			isunset: function(){
				return this.is( undefined );

			set: function(){
				var lastValue = NaN;
				return function( value ){
				    var c;
				    stack[key] = value;
				    if( lastValue !== value && ( c = callbacks[ key ] ) )
				    	for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i 
	// var timer = timeline.use( name ).init( 10 ); // to use a new timeline instance
	// var t = timer.createTask(...);
	// t.stop();
	// timer.setTimeout(...);
	// timer.setInterval(...);
	// timer.getFPS();

	function ClassTimer(){
	    this.tasks = [];
	    this.addingTasks = [];
	    this.adding = 0;

	 * initialize timeline
	ClassTimer.prototype.init = function( ms ){
		var me = this;

		if( me.inited )
		    return ;
			me.inited = 1;

		me.startTime = now();
		me.intervalTime = ms || 5;
		me.count = 0;

		me.intervalFn = function(){
		    me.count ++;
		    me.update( now() );


		return me;

	 * create a task
	 * @param  {Object} conf 	the config
	 * @return {Task} 			a task instance
	ClassTimer.prototype.createTask = function( conf ){
		/* e.g. timer.createTask({
			start: 500, duration: 2000, data: [a, b, c,..], object: module, 
			onTimeUpdate: fn(time, a, b, c,..), onTimeStart: fn(a, b, c,..), onTimeEnd: fn(a, b, c,..),
			recycle: []
		}); */
		var task = createTask( conf );
	    this.addingTasks.unshift( task );
	    this.adding = 1;

	    if( conf.recycle )
	    	this.taskList( conf.recycle, task );


	    return task;

	 * use a array to recycle the task
	 * @param  {Array} queue	be use for recycling task
	 * @param  {Task} task 		a task instance		
	 * @return {Array}			this queue
	ClassTimer.prototype.taskList = function( queue, task ){
		if( !queue.clear )
			queue.clear = function(){
				var i = this.length;
				while( i -- )
					task = this[i],
					this.splice( i, 1 );
				return this;

		if( task )
		    queue.unshift( task );

		return queue;

	 * create a timer for once callback
	 * @param {Function} fn 	callback function
	 * @param {Number}   time 	time, unit: ms
	ClassTimer.prototype.setTimeout = function( fn, time ){
	    // e.g. setTimeout(fn, time);
	    return this.createTask({ start: time, duration: 0, onTimeStart: fn });

	 * create a timer for ongoing callback
	 * @param {Function} fn 	callback function
	 * @param {Number}   time 	time, unit: ms
	ClassTimer.prototype.setInterval = function( fn, time ){
	    // e.g. setInterval(fn, time);
	    var timer = setInterval( fn, time );
	    return {
	    	stop: function(){
	    	    clearInterval( timer );

	 * get the current fps
	 * @return {Number} fps number
	ClassTimer.prototype.getFPS = function(){
		var t = now(), c = this.count, fps = c / ( t - this.startTime ) * 1e3;
		if( c > 1e3 )
			this.count = 0,
			this.startTime = t;
		return fps;

	// privates

	ClassTimer.prototype.start = function(){
		clearInterval( this.interval );
		this.interval = setInterval( this.intervalFn, this.intervalTime );

	ClassTimer.prototype.stop = function(){
		clearInterval( this.interval );

	ClassTimer.prototype.update = function( time ){
		var tasks = this.tasks, addingTasks = this.addingTasks, adding = this.adding;
		var i = tasks.length, t, task, start, duration, data;

		while( i -- ){
	    	task = tasks[i];
	    	start = task.start;
	    	duration = task.duration;

	    	if( time >= start ){

	    		if( task.stopped ){
	    		    tasks.splice( i, 1 );

		    	checkStartTask( task );
		    	if( ( t = time - start )  origin[1] )
				return PI * 0.5;
			return PI * 1.5
		}else if( point[1] === origin[1] ){
			if ( point[0] > origin[0] )
				return 0;
			return PI;

		var t = Math.atan( ( origin[1] - point[1] ) / ( origin[0] - point[0] ) );

		if( point[0] > origin[0] && point[1]  origin[0] && point[1] > origin[1] )
			return t;

		return t + PI;

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\factory\displacement.js
define("scripts/factory/displacement.js", function(exports){
	var layer = require("scripts/layer");
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline");
	var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween");

	 * 位移类模块模型

	exports.create = function( imageSrc, width, height, origX, origY, targetX, targetY, animMap, animDur ){
		var module = {};
		var image;

		var anim = {};

		if( typeof animMap === "function" )
		    anim.show = anim.hide = animMap;
			anim = animMap;

		var createTask = function( start, duration, sx, sy, ex, ey, anim, mode ){
				start: start,
				duration: duration,
				object: module, data: [ sx, sy, ex, ey, anim, mode ],
				onTimeUpdate: module.onTimeUpdate, onTimeStart: module.onTimeStart, onTimeEnd: module.onTimeEnd,
				recycle: module.anims

		module.anims = [];

		module.set = function(){
			image = layer.createImage( "default", imageSrc, origX, origY, width, height );

		module.show = function( start ){
			createTask(  start, animDur, origX, origY, targetX, targetY, anim.show, "show" );

		module.hide = function(){
			createTask( 0, animDur, targetX, targetY, origX, origY, anim.hide, "hide" );

		module.onTimeUpdate = function( time, sx, sy, ex, ey, anim ){
		    image.attr( {
		    	x: anim( time, sx, ex - sx, animDur ),
		    	y: anim( time, sy, ey - sy, animDur )
		    } );

		module.onTimeStart = function(){


		module.onTimeEnd = function( sx, sy, ex, ey, anim ){
		    if( anim === "hide" )

		return module;

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\factory\fruit.js
define("scripts/factory/fruit.js", function(exports){
	var layer = require("scripts/layer");
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline").use( "fruit" ).init( 1 );
	var timeline2 = require("scripts/timeline").use( "fruit-apart" ).init( 1 );
	var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween");
	var message = require("scripts/message");
	var flame = require("scripts/object/flame");
	var flash = require("scripts/object/flash");
	var juice = require("scripts/factory/juice");

	var ie = Ucren.isIe;
	var safari = Ucren.isSafari;

	 * 水果模块模型

	var zoomAnim = tween.exponential.co;
	var rotateAnim = tween.circular;
	var linearAnim = tween.linear;
	var dropAnim = tween.quadratic.ci;
	var fallOffAnim = tween.quadratic.co;

	var random = Ucren.randomNumber;
	var min = Math.min;
	var average = function( a, b ){ return ( ( a + b ) / 2 ) >> 0; };

	var dropTime = 1200, dropXScope = 200, shadowPos = 50;

	var infos = {
		// type: [ imageSrc, width, height, radius, fixAngle, isReverse, juiceColor ]
		boom: [ "images/fruit/boom.png", 66, 68, 26, 0, 0, null ],
		peach: [ "images/fruit/peach.png", 62, 59, 37, -50, 0, "#e6c731" ],
		sandia: [ "images/fruit/sandia.png", 98, 85, 38, -100, 0, "#c00" ],
		apple: [ "images/fruit/apple.png", 66, 66, 31, -54, 0, "#c8e925" ],
		banana: [ "images/fruit/banana.png", 126, 50, 43, 90, 0, null ],
		basaha: [ "images/fruit/basaha.png", 68, 72, 32, -135, 0, "#c00" ]

	// TODO: 是否水果全开?
	var types = [ "peach", "sandia", "apple", "banana", "basaha" ];
	// var types = [ "sandia", "boom" ];
	var rotateSpeed = [ 60, 50, 40, -40, -50, -60 ];

	var fruitCache = [];

	function ClassFruit(conf){
	    var info = infos[ conf.type ], radius = info[3];

		this.type = conf.type;
	    this.originX = conf.originX;
	    this.originY = conf.originY;
	    this.radius = radius;
	    this.startX = conf.originX;
	    this.startY = conf.originY;
	    this.radius = radius;

	    this.anims = [];

	    if( this.type === "boom" )
	        this.flame = flame.create( this.startX - radius + 4, this.startY - radius + 5, conf.flameStart || 0 );

	ClassFruit.prototype.set = function( hide ){
		var inf = infos[ this.type ], radius = this.radius;

		this.shadow = layer.createImage( "fruit", "images/shadow.png", this.startX - radius, this.startY - radius + shadowPos, 106, 77 );
		this.image = layer.createImage( "fruit", inf[0], this.startX - radius, this.startY - radius, inf[1], inf[2] );

		if( hide )

		return this;

	ClassFruit.prototype.pos = function( x, y ){
		if( x == this.originX && y == this.originY )
		    return ;

		var r = this.radius;

		this.originX = x;
		this.originY = y;

		this.image.attr({ x: x -= r, y: y -= r });
		this.shadow.attr({ x: x, y: y + shadowPos });

		if( this.type === "boom" )
		    this.flame.pos( x + 4, y + 5 );

	ClassFruit.prototype.show = function( start ){
			start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1e-5, 1, "show" ], 
			object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onScaling, onTimeStart: this.onShowStart,
			recycle: this.anims

	ClassFruit.prototype.hide = function( start ){
		if( this.type !== "boom" ) // if it is not a boom, it can't to be hide.
		    return ;

			start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1, 1e-5, "hide" ], 
			object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onScaling, onTimeEnd: this.onHideEnd,
			recycle: this.anims

	ClassFruit.prototype.rotate = function( start, speed ){
		this.rotateSpeed = speed || rotateSpeed[ random( 6 ) ];
		this.rotateAnim = timeline.createTask({
			start: start, duration: -1, 
			object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onRotating,
			recycle: this.anims

	ClassFruit.prototype.broken = function( angle ){
		if( this.brokend )return;
		this.brokend = true;

		var index;
		if( ( index = fruitCache.indexOf( this ) ) > -1 )
		    fruitCache.splice( index, 1 );

		if( this.type !== "boom" )
			flash.showAt( this.originX, this.originY, angle ),
			juice.create( this.originX, this.originY, infos[ this.type ][6] ),
		    this.apart( angle );

	ClassFruit.prototype.pause = function(){
		if( this.brokend )
		if( this.type == "boom" )

	// 分开
	ClassFruit.prototype.apart = function( angle ){
		this.aparted = true;

		var inf = infos[ this.type ], preSrc = inf[0].replace( ".png", "" ), radius = this.radius;
		var create = layer.createImage.saturate( layer, this.startX - radius, this.startY - radius, inf[1], inf[2] );

		angle = ( ( angle % 180 ) + 360 + inf[4] ) % 360;

		this.bImage1 = create( "fruit", preSrc + "-1.png" );
		this.bImage2 = create( "fruit", preSrc + "-2.png" );

		[ this.bImage1, this.bImage2 ].invoke( "rotate", angle );

		this.apartAngle = angle;
			start: 0, duration: dropTime, object: this, 
			onTimeUpdate: this.onBrokenDropUpdate, onTimeStart: this.onBrokenDropStart, onTimeEnd: this.onBrokenDropEnd,
			recycle: this.anims

	// 抛出
	ClassFruit.prototype.shotOut = function(){
		var sign = [ -1, 1 ];
	    return function( start, endX ){

			this.shotOutStartX = this.originX;
			this.shotOutStartY = this.originY;
			this.shotOutEndX = average( this.originX, endX );
			this.shotOutEndY = min( this.startY - random( this.startY - 100 ), 200 );
			this.fallOffToX = endX;

				start: start, duration: dropTime, object: this,
				onTimeUpdate: this.onShotOuting, onTimeStart: this.onShotOutStart, onTimeEnd: this.onShotOutEnd,
				recycle: this.anims

			if( this.type != "boom" )
			 	this.rotate( 0, ( random( 180 ) + 90 ) * sign[ random( 2 ) ] );

			return this;

	// 掉落
	ClassFruit.prototype.fallOff = function(){
		var sign = [ -1, 1 ];
		var signIndex = 0;
	    return function( start, x ){

			if( this.aparted || this.brokend )
				return ;

			var y = 600;

			if( typeof x !== "number" )
			    x = this.originX + random( dropXScope ) * sign[ ( signIndex ++ ) % 2 ];

			this.fallTargetX = x;
			this.fallTargetY = y;

				start: start, duration: dropTime, object: this,
				onTimeUpdate: this.onFalling, onTimeStart: this.onFallStart, onTimeEnd: this.onFallEnd,
				recycle: this.anims

	ClassFruit.prototype.remove = function(){
		var index;


		if( this.image )

		if( this.bImage1 )

		if( this.type === "boom" )

		if( ( index = fruitCache.indexOf( this ) ) > -1 )
		    fruitCache.splice( index, 1 );

		for(var name in this)
			if( typeof this[name] === "function" )
				this[name] = function( name ){
				    return function(){
					    throw new Error( "method " + name + " has been removed" );
				}( name );
			else delete this[name];

		message.postMessage( this, "fruit.remove" );

	// 显示/隐藏 相关

	ClassFruit.prototype.onShowStart = function(){
		// this.shadow.show();

	ClassFruit.prototype.onScaling = function( time, a, b, z ){
		this.image.scale( z = zoomAnim( time, a, b - a, 500 ), z );
		this.shadow.scale( z, z );

	ClassFruit.prototype.onHideEnd = function(){

	// 旋转相关

	ClassFruit.prototype.onRotateStart = function(){


	ClassFruit.prototype.onRotating = function( time ){
		this.image.rotate( ( this.rotateSpeed * time / 1e3 ) % 360, true );

	// 裂开相关

	ClassFruit.prototype.onBrokenDropUpdate = function( time ){
		var radius = this.radius;
			x: linearAnim( time, this.brokenPosX - radius, this.brokenTargetX1, dropTime ), 
			y: dropAnim( time, this.brokenPosY - radius, this.brokenTargetY1 - this.brokenPosY + radius, dropTime ) 
		}).rotate( linearAnim( time, this.apartAngle, this.bImage1RotateAngle, dropTime ), true );
			x: linearAnim( time, this.brokenPosX - radius, this.brokenTargetX2, dropTime ), 
			y: dropAnim( time, this.brokenPosY - radius, this.brokenTargetY2 - this.brokenPosY + radius, dropTime ) 
		}).rotate( linearAnim( time, this.apartAngle, this.bImage2RotateAngle, dropTime ), true );

	ClassFruit.prototype.onBrokenDropStart = function(){
		this.brokenTargetX1 = -( random( dropXScope ) + 75 );
		this.brokenTargetX2 = random( dropXScope + 75 );
		this.brokenTargetY1 = 600;
		this.brokenTargetY2 = 600;
		this.brokenPosX = this.originX;
		this.brokenPosY = this.originY;
		this.bImage1RotateAngle = - random( 150 ) - 50;
		this.bImage2RotateAngle = random( 150 ) + 50;

		for(var f, i = fruitCache.length - 1; i >= 0; i --)
			if( fruitCache[i] === this )
				fruitCache.splice( i, 1 );

	ClassFruit.prototype.onBrokenDropEnd = function(){

	// 抛出相关

	ClassFruit.prototype.onShotOuting = function( time ){
			linearAnim( time, this.shotOutStartX, this.shotOutEndX - this.shotOutStartX, dropTime ),
			fallOffAnim( time, this.shotOutStartY, this.shotOutEndY - this.shotOutStartY, dropTime )

	ClassFruit.prototype.onShotOutStart = function(){
		// body...

	ClassFruit.prototype.onShotOutEnd = function(){
		this.fallOff( 0, this.fallOffToX );

	// 掉落相关

	ClassFruit.prototype.onFalling = function( time ){
		var y;
			linearAnim( time, this.brokenPosX, this.fallTargetX - this.brokenPosX, dropTime ), 
			y = dropAnim( time, this.brokenPosY, this.fallTargetY - this.brokenPosY, dropTime ) 
		this.checkForFallOutOfViewer( y );

	ClassFruit.prototype.onFallStart = function(){
		this.brokenPosX = this.originX;
		this.brokenPosY = this.originY;

	ClassFruit.prototype.onFallEnd = function(){
		message.postMessage( this, "fruit.fallOff" );

	// privates

	ClassFruit.prototype.checkForFallOutOfViewer = function( y ){
		if( y > 480 + this.radius )
			this.checkForFallOutOfViewer = Ucren.nul,
			this.rotateAnim && this.rotateAnim.stop(),
		    message.postMessage( this, "fruit.fallOutOfViewer" );

	exports.create = function( type, originX, originY, isHide, flameStart ){
		if( typeof type == "number" ) // 缺省 type
			isHide = originY,
			originY = originX,
		    originX = type,
		    type = getType();

		var fruit = new ClassFruit({ type: type, originX: originX, originY: originY, flameStart: flameStart }).set( isHide );
		fruitCache.unshift( fruit );

		return fruit;

	exports.getFruitInView = function(){
	    return fruitCache;

	exports.getDropTimeSetting = function(){
		return dropTime;

	function getType(){
		if( random( 8 ) == 4 )
		    return "boom";
	    	return types[ random( 5 ) ];

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\factory\juice.js
define("scripts/factory/juice.js", function(exports){
	 * 果汁
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var layer = require("scripts/layer").getLayer("juice");
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline").use( "juice" ).init( 10 );
	var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween");
	var tools = require("scripts/tools");

	var random = Ucren.randomNumber;
	var dur = 1500;
	var anim = tween.exponential.co;
	var dropAnim = tween.quadratic.co;
	var sin = Math.sin;
	var cos = Math.cos;

	var num = 10;
	var radius = 10;

	// if( Ucren.isIe6 || Ucren.isSafari )
	//     switchOn = false;

	// if( Ucren.isIe || Ucren.isSafari )
	// 	num = 6;

	function ClassJuice( x, y, color ){
		this.originX = x;
		this.originY = y;
		this.color = color;

	    this.distance = random( 200 ) + 100;
	    this.radius = radius;
	    this.dir = random( 360 ) * Math.PI / 180;

	ClassJuice.prototype.render = function(){
		this.circle = layer.circle( this.originX, this.originY, this.radius ).attr({
			fill: this.color,
			stroke: "none"

	ClassJuice.prototype.sputter = function(){
			start: 0, duration: dur,
			object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onTimeUpdate, onTimeEnd: this.onTimeEnd

	ClassJuice.prototype.onTimeUpdate = function( time ){
		var distance, x, y, z;

		distance = anim( time, 0, this.distance, dur );
		x = this.originX + distance * cos( this.dir );
		y = this.originY + distance * sin( this.dir ) + dropAnim( time, 0, 200, dur );
		z = anim( time, 1, -1, dur );

		this.circle.attr({ cx: x, cy: y }).scale( z, z );

	ClassJuice.prototype.onTimeEnd = function(){
		tools.unsetObject( this );

	exports.create = function( x, y, color ){
	    for(var i = 0; i  100 ) {
	              volume = 100;

	            this.volume = volume;
	            this.sound.volume = volume / 100;
	            return this;

	        this.getVolume = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this.volume;

	        this.increaseVolume = function( value ) {
	            return this.setVolume( this.volume + ( value || 1 ) );

	        this.decreaseVolume = function( value ) {
	            return this.setVolume( this.volume - ( value || 1 ) );

	        this.setTime = function( time ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.whenReady( function() {
	                this.sound.currentTime = time;
	            return this;

	        this.getTime = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            var time = Math.round( this.sound.currentTime * 100 ) / 100;
	            return isNaN( time ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : time;

	        this.setPercent = function( percent ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this.setTime( buzz.fromPercent( percent, this.sound.duration ) );

	        this.getPercent = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

				var percent = Math.round( buzz.toPercent( this.sound.currentTime, this.sound.duration ) );
	            return isNaN( percent ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : percent;

	        this.setSpeed = function( duration ) {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.sound.playbackRate = duration;

	        this.getSpeed = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return this.sound.playbackRate;

	        this.getDuration = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            var duration = Math.round( this.sound.duration * 100 ) / 100;
	            return isNaN( duration ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : duration;

	        this.getPlayed = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return timerangeToArray( this.sound.played );

	        this.getBuffered = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return timerangeToArray( this.sound.buffered );

	        this.getSeekable = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return timerangeToArray( this.sound.seekable );

	        this.getErrorCode = function() {
	            if ( supported && this.sound.error ) {
	                return this.sound.error.code;
	            return 0;

	        this.getErrorMessage = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            switch( this.getErrorCode() ) {
	                case 1:
	                    return 'MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED';
	                case 2:
	                    return 'MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK';
	                case 3:
	                    return 'MEDIA_ERR_DECODE';
	                case 4:
	                    return 'MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED';
	                    return null;

	        this.getStateCode = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return this.sound.readyState;

	        this.getStateMessage = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            switch( this.getStateCode() ) {
	                case 0:
	                    return 'HAVE_NOTHING';
	                case 1:
	                    return 'HAVE_METADATA';
	                case 2:
	                    return 'HAVE_CURRENT_DATA';
	                case 3:
	                    return 'HAVE_FUTURE_DATA';
	                case 4:
	                    return 'HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA';
	                    return null;

	        this.getNetworkStateCode = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return this.sound.networkState;

	        this.getNetworkStateMessage = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            switch( this.getNetworkStateCode() ) {
	                case 0:
	                    return 'NETWORK_EMPTY';
	                case 1:
	                    return 'NETWORK_IDLE';
	                case 2:
	                    return 'NETWORK_LOADING';
	                case 3:
	                    return 'NETWORK_NO_SOURCE';
	                    return null;

	        this.set = function( key, value ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.sound[ key ] = value;
	            return this;

	        this.get = function( key ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return key ? this.sound[ key ] : this.sound;

	        this.bind = function( types, func ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            types = types.split( ' ' );

	            var that = this,
					efunc = function( e ) { func.call( that, e ); };

	            for( var t = 0; t  to && that.volume > to ) {
	                        that.setVolume( that.volume -= 1 );
	                    } else if ( callback instanceof Function ) {
	                        callback.apply( that );
	                }, delay );
	            this.whenReady( function() {

	            return this;

	        this.fadeIn = function( duration, callback ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this.setVolume(0).fadeTo( 100, duration, callback );

	        this.fadeOut = function( duration, callback ) {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this.fadeTo( 0, duration, callback );

	        this.fadeWith = function( sound, duration ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.fadeOut( duration, function() {

	            sound.play().fadeIn( duration );

	            return this;

	        this.whenReady = function( func ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            var that = this;
	            if ( this.sound.readyState === 0 ) {
	                this.bind( 'canplay.buzzwhenready', function() {
	                    func.call( that );
	            } else {
	                func.call( that );

	        // privates
	        function timerangeToArray( timeRange ) {
	            var array = [],
	                length = timeRange.length - 1;

	            for( var i = 0; i = 10 ) ? h : '0' + h;
	        m = withHours ? Math.floor( time / 60 % 60 ) : Math.floor( time / 60 );
	        m = isNaN( m ) ? '--' : ( m >= 10 ) ? m : '0' + m;
	        s = Math.floor( time % 60 );
	        s = isNaN( s ) ? '--' : ( s >= 10 ) ? s : '0' + s;
	        return withHours ? h + ':' + m + ':' + s : m + ':' + s;

	    fromTimer: function( time ) {
	        var splits = time.toString().split( ':' );
	        if ( splits && splits.length == 3 ) {
	            time = ( parseInt( splits[ 0 ], 10 ) * 3600 ) + ( parseInt(splits[ 1 ], 10 ) * 60 ) + parseInt( splits[ 2 ], 10 );
	        if ( splits && splits.length == 2 ) {
	            time = ( parseInt( splits[ 0 ], 10 ) * 60 ) + parseInt( splits[ 1 ], 10 );
	        return time;

	    toPercent: function( value, total, decimal ) {
			var r = Math.pow( 10, decimal || 0 );

			return Math.round( ( ( value * 100 ) / total ) * r ) / r;

	    fromPercent: function( percent, total, decimal ) {
			var r = Math.pow( 10, decimal || 0 );

	        return  Math.round( ( ( total / 100 ) * percent ) * r ) / r;

	exports = buzz;;

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\lib\raphael.js
define("scripts/lib/raphael.js", function(exports){
	 * Raphael 1.5.2 - JavaScript Vector Library
	 * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://raphaeljs.com)
	 * Licensed under the MIT (http://raphaeljs.com/license.html) license.

	var Raphael;
	var window = {};
	function a(){
	var b=arguments[0],d=bV[m](a,b.splice(0,3+a.is(b[0],E))),e=d.set();
	for(var g=0,h=b[w];g<h;g++){ var="" i="b[g]||{};c[f](i.type)&&e[L](d[i.type]().attr(i))" }="" return="" e="" }="" return="" bv[m](a,arguments)}a.version="1.5.2" ;="" var="" b="/[," ]+/,="" c="{circle:1,rect:1,path:1,ellipse:1,text:1,image:1}," d="/\{(\d+)\}/g," e="prototype" ,="" f="hasOwnProperty" ,="" g="document," h="window," i="{was:Object[e][f].call(h,"Raphael"),is:h.Raphael}," j="function(){this.customAttributes={}}," k,="" l="appendChild" ,="" m="apply" ,="" n="concat" ,="" o="createTouch" in="" g,="" p="" ,="" q=" " ,="" r="String," s="split" ,="" t="click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup touchstart touchmove touchend orientationchange touchcancel gesturestart gesturechange gestureend" [s](q),="" u="{mousedown:"touchstart",mousemove:"touchmove",mouseup:"touchend"}," v="join" ,="" w="length" ,="" x="r[e].toLowerCase," y="Math," z="y.max," a="y.min," b="y.abs," c="y.pow," d="y.PI," e="number" ,="" f="string" ,="" g="array" ,="" h="toString" ,="" i="fill" ,="" j="Object[e][H]," k="{}," l="push" ,="" m="/^url\(['"]?([^\)]+?)['"]?\)$/i" n="/^\s*((#[a-f\d]{6})|(#[a-f\d]{3})|rgba?\(\s*([\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\)|hsba?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\)|hsla?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\))\s*$/i," o="{"NaN":1,Infinity:1,"-Infinity":1}," p="/^(?:cubic-)?bezier\(([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/," q="y.round," r="setAttribute" ,="" s="parseFloat," t="parseInt," u=" progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft" ,="" v="r[e].toUpperCase," w="{" blur:0,="" "clip-rect":"0="" 0="" 1e9="" 1e9",="" cursor:"default",="" cx:0,="" cy:0,="" fill:"#fff",="" "fill-opacity":1,="" font:"10px="" \"arial\"",="" "font-family":"\"arial\"",="" "font-size":"10",="" "font-style":"normal",="" "font-weight":400,="" gradient:0,="" height:0,="" href:"="" opacity:1,="" path:"m0,0",="" r:0,="" rotation:0,="" rx:0,="" ry:0,="" scale:"1="" 1",="" src:"",="" stroke:"#000",="" "stroke-dasharray":"",="" "stroke-linecap":"butt",="" "stroke-linejoin":"butt",="" "stroke-miterlimit":0,="" "stroke-opacity":1,="" "stroke-width":1,="" target:"_blank",="" "text-anchor":"middle",="" title:"raphael",="" translation:"0="" 0",="" width:0,x:0,y:0="" },="" x="{" along:"along",="" blur:e,="" "clip-rect":"csv",="" cx:e,="" cy:e,="" fill:"colour",="" "fill-opacity":e,="" "font-size":e,="" height:e,="" opacity:e,="" path:"path",="" r:e,="" rotation:"csv",="" rx:e,="" ry:e,="" scale:"csv",="" stroke:"colour",="" "stroke-opacity":e,="" "stroke-width":e,="" translation:"csv",="" width:e,="" x:e,="" y:e="" },="" y="replace" ,="" z="/^(from|to|\d+%?)$/,$=/\s*,\s*/,_={hs:1,rg:1},ba=/,?([achlmqrstvxz]),?/gi,bb=/([achlmqstvz])[\s,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[-+]?\d+)?\s*,?\s*)+)/ig,bc=/(-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[-+]?\d+)?)\s*,?\s*/ig,bd=/^r(?:\(([^,]+?)\s*,\s*([^\)]+?)\))?/,be=function(a,b){return" a.key-b.key="" };="" a.type="h.SVGAngle||g.implementation.hasFeature("" svg11/feature#basicstructure","1.1")="SVG" :"vml";="" if(a.type="="VML")" {="" var="" bf="g.createElement("p"),bg;" bf.innerhtml="";
if(!(bg&&typeof bg.adj=="object"))
return a.type=null;
return b=="null"&&a===null||b==typeof a||b=="object"&&a===Object(a)||b=="array"&&Array.isArray&&Array.isArray(a)||J.call(a).slice(8,-1).toLowerCase()==b
var h=b-d,i=c-e;
if(!h&&!i)return 0;
return c-f+b
return c
function bh(){
var a=[],b=0;
var f=d.createTextRange();
var b=f.queryCommandValue("ForeColor");
return"#"+("000000"+b[H](16)).slice(-6)}catch(a){return"none"}})}else{var h=g.createElement("i");
h.title="Raphaël Colour Picker";
return g.defaultView.getComputedStyle(h,p).getPropertyValue("color")})}return bi(b)},bj=function(){
return this.hex
if(a.is(b,"object")&&"h"in b&&"s"in b&&"b"in b)
return a.hsl2rgb(b,c,d/2,e)
if(a.is(b,"object")&&"h"in b&&"s"in b&&"l"in b)
var f={},g=["r","g","b"],h,i,j,k,l,m;
var f=z(b,c,d),g=A(b,c,d),h,i,j=f;
var k=f-g;i=k/f;b==f?h=(c-d)/k:c==f?h=2+(d-b)/k:h=4+(b-c)/k;h/=6;
if(c==null&&a.is(b,"object")&&"r"in b&&"g"in b&&"b"in b)
var e=a.getRGB(b);b=e.r;c=e.g;d=e.b}if(b>1||c>1||d>1){b/=255;c/=255;d/=255
var f=z(b,c,d),g=A(b,c,d),h,i,j=(f+g)/2,k;
var l=f-g;i=j1&&h--;
k={h:h,s:i,l:j}}k.toString=bk;return k
return this.join(",")[Y](ba,"$1")
function bm(a,b,c){
function d(){
var g=Array[e].slice.call(arguments,0),h=g[v]("►"),i=d.cache=d.cache||{},j=d.count=d.count||[];
return c?c(i[h]):i[h];j[w]>=1000&&delete i[j.shift()];
return c?c(i[h]):i[h]
return d
var c,d,e,g,h,i,j,k=b.match(N);
return a.hsb2rgb(d,e,g,h)
return a.hsl2rgb(d,e,g,h)
return d
var j=1-i,k=C(j,3)*a+C(j,2)*3*i*c+j*3*i*i*e+C(i,3)*g,l=C(j,3)*b+C(j,2)*3*i*d+j*3*i*i*f+C(i,3)*h,

1) { x=y.sqrt(x);c=x*c; d=x*d}var z=c*c,A=d*d,C=(f==g?-1:1)*y.sqrt(B((z*A-z*u*u-A*t*t)/(z*u*u+A*t*t))),E=C*c*u/d+(a+h)/2, F=C*-d*t/c+(b+i)/2,G=y.asin(((b-F)/d).toFixed(9)),H=y.asin(((i-F)/d).toFixed(9)); G=aH&&(G=G-D*2);!g&&H>G&&(H=H-D*2)} var I=H-G; if(B(I)>k) { var J=H,K=h,L=i;H=G+k*(g&&H>G?1:-1);h=E+c*y.cos(H);i=F+d*y.sin(H);m=bt(h,i,c,d,e,0,g,K,L,[H,J,E,F]) } I=H-G; var M=y.cos(G),N=y.sin(G),O=y.cos(H),P=y.sin(H),Q=y.tan(I/4),R=4/3*c*Q,S=4/3*d*Q, T=[a,b],U=[a+R*N,b-S*M],V=[h+R*P,i-S*O],W=[h,i];U[0]=2*T[0]-U[0];U[1]=2*T[1]-U[1];{ if(j) return[U,V,W][n](m); m=[U,V,W][n](m)[v]()[s](","); var X=[]; for(var Y=0,Z=m[w];Y"1e12"&&(l=0.5);B(n)>"1e12"&&(n=0.5); if(l>0&&l0&&n"1e12"&&(l=0.5);B(n)>"1e12"&&(n=0.5); if(l>0&&l0&&n7) { a[b].shift(); var e=a[b]; while(e[w]) a.splice(b++,0,["C"][n](e.splice(0,6))); a.splice(b,1); k=z(c[w],d&&d[w]||0)}}, i=function(a,b,e,f,g){ if(a&&b&&a[g][0]=="M"&&b[g][0]!="M") { b.splice(g,0,["M",f.x,f.y]);e.bx=0;e.by=0;e.x=a[g][1];e.y=a[g][2];k=z(c[w],d&&d[w]||0)}}; for(var j=0,k=z(c[w],d&&d[w]||0);j0.5)*2-1; C(e-0.5,2)+C(f-0.5,2)>0.25&&(f=y.sqrt(0.25-C(e-0.5,2))*g+0.5)&&f!=0.5&&(f=f.toFixed(5)-0.00001*g)}return p}); b=b[s](/\s*\-\s*/);if(d=="linear"){var i=b.shift();i=-S(i); if(isNaN(i))return null;var j=[0,0,y.cos(i*D/180),y.sin(i*D/180)],k=1/(z(B(j[2]),B(j[3]))||1); j[2]*=k;j[3]*=k; if(j[2]1?G.opacity/100:G.opacity}); case"stroke":G=a.getRGB(o);h[R](n,G.hex); n=="stroke"&&G[f]("opacity")&&bG(h,{"stroke-opacity":G.opacity>1?G.opacity/100:G.opacity});break; case"gradient":(({circle:1,ellipse:1})[f](c.type)||r(o).charAt()!="r")&&bI(h,o,c.paper);break; case"opacity":i.gradient&&!i[f]("stroke-opacity")&&bG(h,{"stroke-opacity":o>1?o/100:o}); case"fill-opacity":if(i.gradient){ var H=g.getElementById(h.getAttribute(I)[Y](/^url\(#|\)$/g,p)); if(H){ var J=H.getElementsByTagName("stop");J[J[w]-1][R]("stop-opacity",o)} break} default: n=="font-size"&&(o=T(o,10)+"px"); var K=n[Y](/(\-.)/g,function(a){return V.call(a.substring(1))});h.style[K]=o;h[R](n,o); break}}} bM(c,d);m?c.rotate(m.join(q)):S(j)&&c.rotate(j,true)},bL=1.2,bM=function(b,c){ if(b.type!="text"||!(c[f]("text")||c[f]("font")||c[f]("font-size")||c[f]("x")||c[f]("y")))return; var d=b.attrs,e=b.node,h=e.firstChild?T(g.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e.firstChild,p).getPropertyValue( "font-size"),10):10;if(c[f]("text")){ d.text=c.text;while(e.firstChild)e.removeChild(e.firstChild); var i=r(c.text)[s]("\n"); for(var j=0,k=i[w];jb.height&&(b.height=e.y+e.height-b.y); e.x+e.width-b.x>b.width&&(b.width=e.x+e.width-b.x)}}a&&this.hide(); return b}; bN[e].attr=function(b,c){ if(this.removed)return this; if(b==null){ var d={}; for(var e in this.attrs)this.attrs[f](e)&&(d[e]=this.attrs[e]); this._.rt.deg&&(d.rotation=this.rotate());(this._.sx!=1||this._.sy!=1)&&(d.scale=this.scale()); d.gradient&&d.fill=="none"&&(d.fill=d.gradient)&&delete d.gradient;return d} if(c==null&&a.is(b,F)){ if(b=="translation")return cz.call(this); if(b=="rotation")return this.rotate(); if(b=="scale")return this.scale(); if(b==I&&this.attrs.fill=="none"&&this.attrs.gradient)return this.attrs.gradient;return this.attrs[b]} if(c==null&&a.is(b,G)){var g={}; for(var h=0,i=b.length;h
")); m.W=h.w=m.paper.span.offsetWidth;m.H=h.h=m.paper.span.offsetHeight;m.X=h.x;m.Y=h.y+Q(m.H/2); switch(h["text-anchor"]){case"start":m.node.style["v-text-align"]="left";m.bbx=Q(m.W/2);break; case"end":m.node.style["v-text-align"]="right";m.bbx=-Q(m.W/2);break; default:m.node.style["v-text-align"]="center";break}}};bI=function(a,b){a.attrs=a.attrs||{}; var c=a.attrs,d,e="linear",f=".5 .5";a.attrs.gradient=b;b=r(b)[Y](bd,function(a,b,c){ e="radial";if(b&&c){b=S(b);c=S(c);C(b-0.5,2)+C(c-0.5,2)>0.25&&(c=y.sqrt(0.25-C(b-0.5,2))*((c>0.5)*2-1)+0.5); f=b+q+c}return p});b=b[s](/\s*\-\s*/);if(e=="linear"){var g=b.shift();g=-S(g); if(isNaN(g))return null}var h=bx(b);if(!h)return null;a=a.shape||a.node; d=a.getElementsByTagName(I)[0]||cd(I);!d.parentNode&&a.appendChild(d); if(h[w]){d.on=true;d.method="none";d.color=h[0].color;d.color2=h[h[w]-1].color;var i=[]; for(var j=0,k=h[w];j")}}catch(a){cd=function(a){ return g.createElement("")}}bV=function(){ var b=by[m](0,arguments),c=b.container,d=b.height,e,f=b.width,h=b.x,i=b.y; if(!c) throw new Error("VML container not found.");var k=new j,n=k.canvas=g.createElement("p"),o=n.style;h=h||0;i=i||0; f=f||512;d=d||342;f==+f&&(f+="px");d==+d&&(d+="px");k.width=1000;k.height=1000;k.coordsize=b_*1000+q+b_*1000; k.coordorigin="0 0";k.span=g.createElement("span");k.span.style.cssText="position:absolute;left:-9999em; top:-9999em;padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1;display:inline;";n[l](k.span); o.cssText=a.format("top:0;left:0;width:{0};height:{1}; display:inline-block;position:relative;clip:rect(0 {0} {1} 0);overflow:hidden",f,d); if(c==1){g.body[l](n);o.left=h+"px";o.top=i+"px";o.position="absolute"} else c.firstChild?c.insertBefore(n,c.firstChild):c[l](n);bz.call(k,k,a.fn); return k};k.clear=function(){ this.canvas.innerHTML=p;this.span=g.createElement("span"); this.span.style.cssText="position:absolute;left:-9999em; top:-9999em;padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1;display:inline;"; this.canvas[l](this.span);this.bottom=this.top=null};k.remove=function(){ this.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas);for(var a in this)this[a]=bF(a); return true}}var ce=navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\\x2f(.*?)\s/); navigator.vendor=="Apple Computer, Inc."&&(ce&&ce[1]1&&(a=Array[e].splice.call(arguments,0,arguments[w]));return new cC(a)};k.setSize=bU;k.top=k.bottom=null;k.raphael=a;function co(){return this.x+q+this.y}bO.resetScale=function(){ if(this.removed)return this;this._.sx=1;this._.sy=1;this.attrs.scale="1 1"};bO.scale=function(a,b,c,d){if(this.removed)return this; if(a==null&&b==null)return{x:this._.sx,y:this._.sy,toString:co};b=b||a;!(+b)&&(b=a);var e,f,g,h,i=this.attrs;if(a!=0){var j=this.getBBox(),k=j.x+j.width/2,l=j.y+j.height/2,m=B(a/this._.sx),o=B(b/this._.sy);c=+c||c==0?c:k;d=+d||d==0?d:l;var r=this._.sx>0,s=this._.sy>0,t=~(~(a/B(a))),u=~(~(b/B(b))),x=m*t,y=o*u,z=this.node.style,A=c+B(k-c)*x*(k>c==r?1:-1),C=d+B(l-d)*y*(l>d==s?1:-1),D=a*t>b*u?o:m;switch(this.type){case"rect":case"image":var E=i.width*m,F=i.height*o;this.attr({height:F,r:i.r*D,width:E,x:A-E/2,y:C-F/2});break;case"circle":case"ellipse":this.attr({rx:i.rx*m,ry:i.ry*o,r:i.r*D,cx:A,cy:C});break;case"text":this.attr({x:A,y:C});break;case"path":var G=bp(i.path),H=true,I=r?x:m,J=s?y:o;for(var K=0,L=G[w];K

r)p=n.data[r*l];else{p=a.findDotsAtSegment(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,r/l); n.data[r]=p}r&&(k+=C(C(o.x-p.x,2)+C(o.y-p.y,2),0.5));if(j!=null&&k>=j)return p;o=p}if(j==null)return k},cr=function(b,c){return function(d,e,f){d=bw(d);var g,h,i,j,k="",l={},m,n=0;for(var o=0,p=d.length;o

e){if(c&&!l.start){m=cq(g,h,i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4],i[5],i[6],e-n);k+=["C",m.start.x,m.start.y,m.m.x,m.m.y,m.x,m.y];if(f)return k;l.start=k;k=["M",m.x,m.y+"C",m.n.x,m.n.y,m.end.x,m.end.y,i[5],i[6]][v]();n+=j;g=+i[5];h=+i[6];continue}if(!b&&!c){m=cq(g,h,i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4],i[5],i[6],e-n);return{x:m.x,y:m.y,alpha:m.alpha}}}n+=j;g=+i[5];h=+i[6]}k+=i}l.end=k;m=b?n:c?l:a.findDotsAtSegment(g,h,i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4],i[5],i[6],1);m.alpha&&(m={x:m.x,y:m.y,alpha:m.alpha});return m}},cs=cr(1),ct=cr(),cu=cr(0,1);bO.getTotalLength=function(){if(this.type!="path")return;if(this.node.getTotalLength)return this.node.getTotalLength();return cs(this.attrs.path)}; bO.getPointAtLength=function(a){if(this.type!="path")return;return ct(this.attrs.path,a)}; bO.getSubpath=function(a,b){if(this.type!="path")return;if(B(this.getTotalLength()-b)":function(a){return C(a-1,3)+1},"":function(a){a=a*2;if(ad)return d;while(cf?c=e:d=e;e=(d-c)/2+c}return e}return n(a,1/(200*f))}bO.onAnimation=function(a){this._run=a||0;return this};bO.animate=function(c,d,e,g){var h=this;h.timeouts=h.timeouts||[];if(a.is(e,"function")||!e)g=e||null;if(h.removed){g&&g.call(h);return h}var i={},j={},k=false,l={}; 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// }; // if( window.attachEvent ) // target.attachEvent( "on" + name, call ); // else if( window.addEventListener ) // target.addEventListener( name, call, false ); // else // target["on" + name] = call; // return call; // } // Ucren.addEvent addEvent: function( target, name, fn ){ var call = function(){ fn.apply( target, arguments ); }; if( target.dom ){ target = target.dom; } if( window.attachEvent ){ target.attachEvent( "on" + name, call ); }else if( window.addEventListener ){ target.addEventListener( name, call, false ); }else{ target["on" + name] = call; } return call; }, // Ucren.delEvent delEvent: function( target, name, fn ){ if( window.detachEvent ){ target.detachEvent( "on" + name, fn ); }else if( window.removeEventListener ){ target.removeEventListener( name, fn, false ); }else if( target["on" + name] == fn ){ target["on" + name] = null; } }, // Ucren.Class Class: function( initialize, methods, befores, afters ){ var fn, prototype, blank; initialize = initialize || function(){}; methods = methods || {}; blank = {}; fn = function(){ this.instanceId = Ucren.id(); initialize.apply( this, arguments ); }; prototype = fn.prototype; Ucren.registerClassEvent.call( prototype ); Ucren.each( methods, function( item, key ){ prototype[key] = function( method, name ){ if( typeof( method ) == "function" ){ return function(){ var args, rtn; args = slice.call( arguments, 0 ); if( befores && befores.apply( this, [name].concat( args )) === false ){ return ; } this.fireEvent( "before" + name, args ); rtn = method.apply( this, args ); if( afters ) afters.apply( this, [name].concat( args )); this.fireEvent( name, args ); return rtn; }; }else{ return method; } }( item, key ); }); prototype.getOriginMethod = function( name ){ return methods[name]; }; return fn; }, //private registerClassEvent: function(){ this.on = function( name, fn ){ var instanceId = this.instanceId; Ucren.dispatch( instanceId + name, fn.bind( this )); }; this.onbefore = function( name, fn ){ var instanceId = this.instanceId; Ucren.dispatch( instanceId + "before" + name, fn.bind( this )); }; this.un = function( name, fn ){ //todo }; this.fireEvent = function( name, args ){ var instanceId = this.instanceId; Ucren.dispatch( instanceId + name, args ); }; }, // Ucren.createFuze createFuze: function(){ var queue, fn, infire; queue = []; fn = function( process ){ if( infire ){ process(); }else{ queue.push( process ); } }; fn.fire = function(){ while( queue.length ){ queue.shift()(); } infire = true; }; fn.extinguish = function(){ infire = false; }; fn.wettish = function(){ if( queue.length ){ queue.shift()(); } }; return fn; }, // Ucren.createIf // createIf: function( expressionFunction ){ // return function( callback ){ // var expression = expressionFunction(); // var returnValue = { // Else: function( callback ){ // callback = callback || nul; // expression || callback(); // } // }; // callback = callback || nul; // expression && callback(); // return returnValue; // }; // }, // Ucren.dispatch dispatch: function(){ var map = {}, send, incept, ret; send = function( processId, args, scope ){ var processItems; if( processItems = map[ processId ] ) Ucren.each( processItems, function( item ){ item.apply( scope, args ); }); }; incept = function( processId, fn ){ var m; if( !( m = map[ processId ] ) ) map[processId] = [ fn ]; else m.push( fn ); }; ret = function( arg1, arg2, arg3 ){ if( typeof( arg2 ) === "undefined" ) arg2 = []; if( arg2 instanceof Array ) send.apply( this, arguments ); else if( typeof( arg2 ) === "function" ) incept.apply( this, arguments ); }; ret.remove = function( processId, fn ){ var m, i; if( ( m = map[ processId ] ) && ~( i = m.indexOf( fn ) ) ) m.splice( i, 1 ); }; return ret; }(), // Ucren.each ( not recommended ) each: function( unknown, fn ){ /// unknown 是 array 的,会慢慢退化,建议用 Array.prototype.forEach 替代 /// unknown 为其它类似的,短期内将暂时支持 if( unknown instanceof Array || ( typeof unknown == "object" && typeof unknown[0] != "undefined" && unknown.length )){ if( typeof unknown == "object" && Ucren.isSafari ) unknown = slice.call( unknown ); // for( var i = 0, l = unknown.length; i -1; }, setClass: function( name ){ if( typeof( name ) == "string" ) this.dom.className = name.trim(); return this; }, addClass: function( name ){ var el, className; el = this.dom; className = " " + el.className + " "; if( className.indexOf( " " + name + " " ) == -1 ){ className += name; className = className.trim(); className = className.replace( / +/g, " " ); el.className = className; } return this; }, delClass: function( name ){ var el, className; el = this.dom; className = " " + el.className + " "; if( className.indexOf( " " + name + " " ) > -1 ){ className = className.replace( " " + name + " ", " " ); className = className.trim(); className = className.replace( / +/g, " " ); el.className = className; } return this; }, html: function( html ){ var el = this.dom; if( typeof html == "string" ){ el.innerHTML = html; }else if( html instanceof Array ){ el.innerHTML = html.join( "" ); }else{ return el.innerHTML; } return this; }, left: function( number ){ var el = this.dom; if( typeof( number ) == "number" ){ el.style.left = number + "px"; this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ left: number }] ); }else{ return this.getPos().x; } return this; }, top: function( number ){ var el = this.dom; if( typeof( number ) == "number" ){ el.style.top = number + "px"; this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ top: number }] ); }else{ return this.getPos().y; } return this; }, width: function( unknown ){ var el = this.dom; if( typeof unknown == "number" ){ el.style.width = unknown + "px"; this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ width: unknown }] ); }else if( typeof unknown == "string" ){ el.style.width = unknown; this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ width: unknown }] ); }else{ return this.getSize().width; } return this; }, height: function( unknown ){ var el = this.dom; if( typeof unknown == "number" ){ el.style.height = unknown + "px"; this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ height: unknown }] ); }else if( typeof unknown == "string" ){ el.style.height = unknown; this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ height: unknown }] ); }else{ return this.getSize().height; } return this; }, count: function( name ){ return this.countMapping[name] = ++ this.countMapping[name] || 1; }, display: function( bool ){ var dom = this.dom; if( typeof( bool ) == "boolean" ){ dom.style.display = bool ? "block" : "none"; this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ display: bool }] ); }else{ return this.style( "display" ) != "none"; } return this; }, first: function(){ var c = this.dom.firstChild; while( c && !c.tagName && c.nextSibling ){ c = c.nextSibling; } return c; }, add: function( dom ){ var el; el = Ucren.Element( dom ); this.dom.appendChild( el.dom ); return this; }, remove: function( dom ){ var el; if( dom ){ el = Ucren.Element( dom ); el.html( "" ); this.dom.removeChild( el.dom ); }else{ el = Ucren.Element( this.dom.parentNode ); el.remove( this ); } return this; }, insert: function( dom ){ var tdom; tdom = this.dom; if( tdom.firstChild ){ tdom.insertBefore( dom, tdom.firstChild ); }else{ this.add( dom ); } return this; }, addEvents: function( conf ){ var blank, el, rtn; blank = {}; rtn = {}; el = this.dom; Ucren.each( conf, function( item, key ){ rtn[key] = Ucren.addEvent( el, key, item ); }); return rtn; }, removeEvents: function( conf ){ var blank, el; blank = {}; el = this.dom; Ucren.each( conf, function( item, key ){ Ucren.delEvent( el, key, item ); }); return this; }, getPos: function(){ var el, parentNode, pos, box, offset; el = this.dom; pos = {}; if( el.getBoundingClientRect ){ box = el.getBoundingClientRect(); offset = Ucren.isIe ? 2 : 0; var doc = document; var scrollTop = Math.max( doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop ); var scrollLeft = Math.max( doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft ); return { x: box.left + scrollLeft - offset, y: box.top + scrollTop - offset }; }else{ pos = { x: el.offsetLeft, y: el.offsetTop }; parentNode = el.offsetParent; if( parentNode != el ){ while( parentNode ){ pos.x += parentNode.offsetLeft; pos.y += parentNode.offsetTop; parentNode = parentNode.offsetParent; } } if( Ucren.isSafari && this.style( "position" ) == "absolute" ){ // safari doubles in some cases pos.x -= document.body.offsetLeft; pos.y -= document.body.offsetTop; } } if( el.parentNode ){ parentNode = el.parentNode; }else{ parentNode = null; } while( parentNode && parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY" && parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase() != "HTML" ){ // account for any scrolled ancestors pos.x -= parentNode.scrollLeft; pos.y -= parentNode.scrollTop; if( parentNode.parentNode ){ parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; }else{ parentNode = null; } } return pos; }, getSize: function(){ var dom = this.dom; var display = this.style( "display" ); if ( display && display !== "none" ) { return { width: dom.offsetWidth, height: dom.offsetHeight }; } var style = dom.style; var originalStyles = { visibility: style.visibility, position: style.position, display: style.display }; var newStyles = { visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }; if ( originalStyles.position !== "fixed" ) newStyles.position = "absolute"; this.style( newStyles ); var dimensions = { width: dom.offsetWidth, height: dom.offsetHeight }; this.style( originalStyles ); return dimensions; }, observe: function( el, fn ){ el = Ucren.Element( el ); el.on( "infect", fn.bind( this )); return this; }, usePNGbackground: function( image ){ var dom; dom = this.dom; if( /\.png$/i.test( image ) && Ucren.isIe6 ){ dom.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='" + image + "',sizingMethod='scale' );"; /// _background: none; /// _filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='images/pic.png',sizingMethod='scale' ); }else{ dom.style.backgroundImage = "url( " + image + " )"; } return this; }, setAlpha: function(){ var reOpacity = /alpha\s*\(\s*opacity\s*=\s*([^\)]+)\)/; return function( value ){ var element = this.dom, es = element.style; if( !Ucren.isIe ){ es.opacity = value / 100; /* }else if( es.filter === "string" ){ */ }else{ if ( element.currentStyle && !element.currentStyle.hasLayout ) es.zoom = 1; if ( reOpacity.test( es.filter )) { value = value >= 99.99 ? "" : ( "alpha( opacity=" + value + " )" ); es.filter = es.filter.replace( reOpacity, value ); } else { es.filter += " alpha( opacity=" + value + " )"; } } return this; }; }(), fadeIn: function( callback ){ if( typeof this.fadingNumber == "undefined" ) this.fadingNumber = 0; this.setAlpha( this.fadingNumber ); var fading = function(){ this.setAlpha( this.fadingNumber ); if( this.fadingNumber == 100 ){ clearInterval( this.fadingInterval ); callback && callback(); }else this.fadingNumber += 10; }.bind( this ); this.display( true ); clearInterval( this.fadingInterval ); this.fadingInterval = setInterval( fading, Ucren.isIe ? 20 : 30 ); return this; }, fadeOut: function( callback ){ if( typeof this.fadingNumber == "undefined" ) this.fadingNumber = 100; this.setAlpha( this.fadingNumber ); var fading = function(){ this.setAlpha( this.fadingNumber ); if( this.fadingNumber == 0 ){ clearInterval( this.fadingInterval ); this.display( false ); callback && callback(); }else this.fadingNumber -= 10; }.bind( this ); clearInterval( this.fadingInterval ); this.fadingInterval = setInterval( fading, Ucren.isIe ? 20 : 30 ); return this; }, useMouseAction: function( className, actions ){ /** * 调用示例: el.useMouseAction( "xbutton", "over,out,down,up" ); * 使用效果: el 会在 "xbutton xbutton-over","xbutton xbutton-out","xbutton xbutton-down","xbutton xbutton-up" * 等四个 className 中根据相应的鼠标事件来进行切换。 * 特别提示: useMouseAction 可使用不同参数多次调用。 */ if( !this.MouseAction ) this.MouseAction = new Ucren.MouseAction({ element: this }); this.MouseAction.use( className, actions ); return this; } } ); if( Ucren.isIe ) document.execCommand( "BackgroundImageCache", false, true ); for( var i in Ucren ){ exports[i] = Ucren[i]; }; return exports; }); /** * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\object\background.js */ define("scripts/object/background.js", function(exports){ var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var image, time; var random = Ucren.randomNumber; exports.set = function(){ image = layer.createImage( "default", "images/background.jpg", 0, 0, 640, 480 ); }; exports.wobble = function(){ time = timeline.setInterval( wobble, 50 ); }; exports.stop = function(){ time.stop(); image.attr({ x: 0, y: 0 }); }; function wobble(){ var x, y; x = random( 12 ) - 6; y = random( 12 ) - 6; image.attr({ x: x, y: y }); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\object\console.js */ define("scripts/object/console.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var x = 16, y = 0; var texts = []; exports.set = function(){ }; exports.clear = function(){ for(var i = 0, l = texts.length; i > 0 ) ); // };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\object\game-over.js */ define("scripts/object/game-over.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var message = require("scripts/message"); var state = require("scripts/state"); var exponential = tween.exponential.co; /** * "game-over"模块 */ exports.anims = []; exports.set = function(){ this.image = layer.createImage( "default", "images/game-over.png", 75, 198, 490, 85 ).hide().scale( 1e-5, 1e-5 ); }; exports.show = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1e-5, 1, "show" ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onZooming, onTimeStart: this.onZoomStart, onTimeEnd: this.onZoomEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.hide = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1, 1e-5, "hide" ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onZooming, onTimeStart: this.onZoomStart, onTimeEnd: this.onZoomEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; // 显示/隐藏 相关 exports.onZoomStart = function( sz, ez, mode ){ if( mode == "show" ) this.image.show(); }; exports.onZooming = function( time, sz, ez, z ){ this.image.scale( z = exponential( time, sz, ez - sz, 500 ), z ); }; exports.onZoomEnd = function( sz, ez, mode ){ if( mode == "show" ) state( "click-enable" ).on(); else if( mode === "hide" ) this.image.hide(); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\object\home-desc.js */ define("scripts/object/home-desc.js", function(exports){ var displacement = require("scripts/factory/displacement"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); exports = displacement.create("images/home-desc.png", 161, 91, -161, 140, 7, 127, tween.exponential.co, 500);; return exports; }); /** * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\object\home-mask.js */ define("scripts/object/home-mask.js", function(exports){ var displacement = require("scripts/factory/displacement"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); exports = displacement.create("images/home-mask.png", 640, 183, 0, -183, 0, 0, tween.exponential.co, 1e3);; return exports; }); /** * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\object\knife.js */ define("scripts/object/knife.js", function(exports){ var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var layer = require("scripts/layer").getLayer( "knife" ); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); /** * 刀光模块 */ var lastX = null, lastY = null; var abs = Math.abs; var life = 200; var stroke = 10; var color = "#cbd3db"; var anims = []; var switchState = true; var knifes = []; function ClassKnifePart( conf ){ this.sx = conf.sx; this.sy = conf.sy; this.ex = conf.ex; this.ey = conf.ey; knifes.push( this ); } ClassKnifePart.prototype.set = function(){ var sx, sy, ex, ey, dx, dy, ax, ay; sx = this.sx; sy = this.sy; ex = this.ex; ey = this.ey; dx = sx - ex; dy = sy - ey; ax = abs(dx); ay = abs(dy); if(ax > ay) sx += dx = 0; i --) knifes[i].end(); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\object\light.js */ define("scripts/object/light.js", function(exports){ /** * 炸弹爆炸时的光线 */ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var maskLayer = layer.getLayer( "mask" ); layer = layer.getLayer( "light" ); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var message = require("scripts/message"); var random = Ucren.randomNumber; var pi = Math.PI; var sin = Math.sin; var cos = Math.cos; var lights = []; var indexs = []; var lightsNum = 10; for(var i = 0; i

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